Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Once Upon A Forgotten Time

This way, or that way?
"The world is changed. I feel it in the water. I feel it in the earth. I smell it in the air. Much that once was is lost, for none now live who remember it."

Such was Galadriel's strong opening line on one of the world's greatest movie: The Lord of the Rings. Same words that reverberate and echo within the confines of John's being. He can feel that something is about to change: it is even evident now since the thrill and joys of the past has become a tunnel effect of uncertainty.

I can't share the moroseness as John has felt it since these months are the season where my fellow corn kernels will be harvested. And that means I will have a lot of companions and friends on this dreary thing called life. But being a heartless being, a cold and inanimate being, I can't do nothing else other than to console him. All I can offer is my undivided presence.

But life is an arena of change. Let me show you how:

Seasons change
The world's slight slanting angle triggers a difference on temperature on all of its regions. Thus creating a stirring effect on the world's winds. Nature has to cope up and go along with these changes so we experience seasons.

Life Cycles
In order for growth to manifest the being must undergo not only physical changes, but also a lot of things that has to do with moods, behavior and psychology. A butterfly's life best epitomizes the change. It is a wonder how life can deliver an egg into a full grown beauty and eventually repeat the cycle again.

Physical and Chemical Changes
Science has taught us that matter changes in sizes and forms. Same is true with its compositions. A simple act of tearing a paper manifests change. Burning a charcoal for heat and comfort is another. As a matter of fact everything we do creates a change on matter.

Gadget Models
Who says only natural phenomena could change: man made items also can. Gadgets change from one model to another. From one era to the next, from one design to yet other designs. Technology could not rest and remain as it is today. It needs to change to cope with its inventor's demands.

Change is not only limited to these. There are a lot more. Could you tell some other forms?

Thursday, February 2, 2012

The World's Greatest Excuse

For some, the world is just a span of disappointments since they have magnified their efforts and expectations. It is like as if the world will simply conform with whatever they wanted or whatever suits their needs. Even in the short span of my imaginary existence, it is obvious that the world does not play this kind of game, but the world simply revolves around its axis and follow its preference whether we like it or not.

So after going through A Series of Unfortunate Events, John has shared me two of the things he has gone trough the week. And borrowing Lemony Snicket's voice: "It is my sad duty to write down these unpleasant tales, but there is nothing stopping you from [leaving this blog] at once and reading something happy, if you prefer that sort of thing."

The World's Greatest Excuse For A Sequel:

Having been disappointed by the third movie, Rise of the Lycans, John has expected that the mythology of the series will be incorporated with Underworld: Awakening. But after watching the movie my friend's hope for a very good sequel was shattered to pieces. It was really disappointing that the mythology was barely touched in this one. John would have wanted to know what happened to the third Vampire elder having a slumber under a vault. Instead we see Selene battling over survival against humans. Pity: now John is not sure if he's going to wait for the next movie in the arc or not.

The World's Greatest Excuse For Waiting Too Long:

There is no doubt that the Game of Thrones series is a spectacular one. John was once a skeptic of the books when the first one got out years ago. He was having doubts to buy them as evidenced by the fact that he has no copies of these books in his own library. He thought he had already found it in Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time, but after watching the whole first season of the TV series he was sold: The Song of Ice and Fire is much better. Itching to buy the books, he was saddened to wait before he could do so since it is not yet in the priority list of expenses. Add up to this the fact that he has to wait many more months to watch for the TV series' second season, it felt like December 21, 2012 apocalypse has come earlier.

Whew... all the negative auras. When will they go away. I was hoping to see my friend focus on the bright side, but I just can't force him if he doesn't want to.